Watch out Bin Laden, Or We'll Melt You With Our Peace Ray

I'm an advocate for being good to the environment as much as the next guy, but eco reform and the green movement will take time and unfortunately there are other matters in the world that are more pressing. However, if Al Gore had it his way, we'd all be smoking weed in the streets singing Kumbaya while Al Qaida picked us off one by one from the roof tops. Meanwhile Al Gore is sitting on the other side of the street holding up his vote Al for 2016 campaign poster mumbling hey man you hear something? Yeah, it's the demise of our country that you've spent the last twenty years flushing down the partisan toilet. This film he has coming out, "The inconvenient Truth" is yet another attempt by the democratic party via Michael Moore "esk" one sided documentary film making designed to subdue the American public through fear via the big screen. I'm gonna stop talking now because I'll just end up getting angry. My advice, in any issue facing you or the nation for that matter, take a moment to hear both sides and if they're still partisan locked, do your own research and form your own opinion. That's my two cents.
Hi Mike, long time listener, first time caller...
Two things today, one: you need coffee and two: you need to get laid.
I'll hang up and listen to your response!
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