Hopefully I'll Meet Your Mother

Today's title probably does not make much sense unless you've seen CBS's new hit show on Monday Night titled "How I met Your Mother". Somehow the creators stumbled on to the lives of myself and my two close friends A.J. and Chris. The three main characters have similar tastes habits and life experiences as we do in frighteningly accurate detail. My character happens to be the main character "Ted". He is the narrator of the show, and tells his story to his children years later of how he met their mother, hence the title. Much like myself, Ted has bad romantic timing, in that he likes girls when they do not like him and vice versa. He loves without fear of being hurt and has one romantic failure after the other much like myself. He, as did I, even found himself stuck in a long distance relationship. They Dont Work, just so you know.
Anyway, here's rooting for the nice guy, the romantic guy, who tries valiantly, but can never quite find her. Here's hoping that both Ted and myself may someday find that one who makes us want to be a better man.
have you met ted?
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