Thursday, December 22, 2005

Captain Insano Strikes Again

Many of you who have followed this blog from the beginning or have wasted enough time to catch up by reading the entire thing through just now are probably convinced that I use a variety and quite large amounts of elicit drugs. Sorry to disappoint, but no. See Title..

I literally just write whats on my mind at the time whether I am up, down, happy, pissed, or goofy. It's really not so much a diary as it is a mind dump. I dont talk about sports or news because if anyone wants to read about that they can grab a newspaper or check out an equally relevant website that is not my blog. Most who know me know that I like to talk and over explain myself and there are a lot of reasons for that. I'm really not as crazy as this jamble of randomness and emotion may indicate, far from it in fact. In the end I hope that those who follow me through this find a laugh or an insightful angle into something they may never have thought about before.

Thanks for playing and Merry Christmas!


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