Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blinded By Hidden Immaturity

I am a firm believer in WIP or "Work In Progress" Meaning I am always open to new things whether they be insights, ideas, or perspectives. I am always willing to admit defeat and begrudgingly will in time accept most if not all criticism that comes my way, even if it means that I am wrong. I was recently having an in depth conversation with my cousin and he pointed out some important things that helped me come up with an entertaining and poignant analogy. We were discussing our history of relationships and the frustrations of bad timing and immaturity in our choices. Meaning the people we chose had something wrong with them that invariably would either improve over time and our time with them was not right. It really ends up being sad though because normally we really want to be with that person and feel bad that the only reason that it won't work is because of some unresolved conflict or issue inside that person that we can do nothing to encourage resolution with. This of course is usually unknown to us and we are even worse blinded by an abnormally large amount of emotional attatchment as well and here is where the analogy comes in.

Picture in your mind the atari game "frogger". When you are single it's like the beginning of each level. There you are on the side of the road where you can see everything. You can see all the vehicles wizzing by and know the exact timing and speed of their every move. You know where the alligators are lurking and what logs you can jump on and when they will appear. Enter relationship. Once you start dating and get emotionally involved you become blinded. This is when you jump into traffic and the only thing you can see is the next leap and the only thing you can really lock onto is the next truck or log that is about to squash you. Tyhe big picture and your ability to deduce, logically strategize and evaluate situations is gone. It's quite sad really.


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