Monday, April 17, 2006

You Need to Get Your Joint Worked On MIles

What a weekend, drinking, golf, the symphony, Easter with the family, and just all around being lazy. I suppose if I could have gone sky diving, I'd be good to go. And in reference to this weekend, my quest to find a woman with reason, accountability and a good sense of humor, has ended abruptly in a most unexpected way. As you may have guessed the highlight of my weekend was spending the majority of it with someone who means a great deal to me and if you find that boring, flat, repetitive or irrelevant, I have this quote to give to you:

"Some of us have
great stories... Pretty stories
that take place at lakes with
boats and friends and noodle
salad. Just not anybody...
But lots of people -- that's
their story -- good times and
noodle salad... And that's what
makes it hard. Not that you had
it bad but being that pissed that
so many had it good."


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