Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Feeling Groovy

Well for all of you who are interested, the mayor actually showed up for work today and for nothing less than free coffee and donuts. For God's sake hasn't the man deprived this city enough, now he's taking the one thing we have left. Did anyone really vote for this guy?

In case you were wondering, today at 9:30 renovations began at 19th and Douglas to remodel the courtyard area of the Continental Building soon to be called the Douglas building. According to the architechs and designers involved, the building will maintain it's 60's theme, thus reflecting and paying tribute to the era that it was built. Yes, it's the stuff Brady Bunch and Partridge Family block parties were all about.


Blogger Adam said...

Fahey is a jackass. That's why I aspire to be mayor of Omaha someday. You wait, in 10-12 years I'll announce my canadacy.

12:04 PM  

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