Yes yes, little did you know that today while exploring my blog, you would be going home with my entire collected works.
Yes today marks 48 days until the fourth installment of the Harry Potter series, "The Goblet Of Fire" hits theatres. In my opinion this book is the best of the six that are currently in print. This story is loaded with drama and action and has a darker element that skims most of the juvenile feel that still resides from the beginning of the saga. You will not be disappointed with this movie which will seem more like a halloween story than another happy go lucky Harry Potter. Rest assured "Dark and Difficult Times Lie Ahead" for young Harry Potter.
Yes today marks 48 days until the fourth installment of the Harry Potter series, "The Goblet Of Fire" hits theatres. In my opinion this book is the best of the six that are currently in print. This story is loaded with drama and action and has a darker element that skims most of the juvenile feel that still resides from the beginning of the saga. You will not be disappointed with this movie which will seem more like a halloween story than another happy go lucky Harry Potter. Rest assured "Dark and Difficult Times Lie Ahead" for young Harry Potter.

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